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Margin Trading User Guide

Detailed information on how to use the Margin Trading

Updated over 3 months ago

How to get started?

Step 1 - Enable Margin Trading

To enable margin trading, log into your account, and go to Trade > Spot, from the order form, you’ll find an Enable Margin toggle. Switching it on will prompt you to accept the Terms and Conditions if that is not already done.

*Note margin trading supports limit and market orders only.

Step 2 - Adjust Your Order

There are two ways you can adjust your order:

  1. Edit order quantity, order value, and price (if placing a limit order) by entering the expected amount into the text field.

  2. Drag the little white dot over the slider. The transparent section indicates your available funds that can be used directly to make any trade without borrowing. The gradient section in color shows how much you can borrow, in addition to your available funds, to trade based on your account's available margin.

For information on how your margin calculation works, please refer to the Margin Rules page.

As you move the white dot along, the informational text below the slider bar will show your borrowing amount over your account’s maximum borrowing limit.

Step 3 - Confirm Your Trade

After sending your order details, you’ll get a trade confirmation pop-up containing details of your trade. Click ‘Confirm’ to proceed.

Step 4 - Repay Your Margin

After successfully placing a margin trade, the borrowed amount will be reflected as balance* in your Wallet > Loans tab under the associated virtual asset. To ‘repay’ the borrowed virtual asset, simply click “Deposit” or “Transfer” to move virtual assets from an external wallet or another Exchange account.

Applicable Coins

The margin toggle would not be actionable for coins where negative balances are not available.

Please refer to the Margin Rules page for all the applicable coins.

Margin Interest Rate

An interest charge will be calculated compound in the native currency referencing the fee schedule detailed in the below FAQ (see “Current Interest Rates”) on an hourly basis:

How margin interest is calculated:

If the daily interest rate is 0.052% per day, the hourly interest rate is 0.00216667% (Hourly Interest = Daily Interest / 24)

Interest = Borrowed Virtual Assets * (Hourly Interest Rate) * (Time in Hours)


If a user borrows 1,000 USDT at 12:05 PM and repays at 14:15 PM, the interest owed is 0.06501 USDT.

Interest = 1,000 * 0.00216667% * 3

Interest = 0.06501

* reserves the right to amend or update these terms at its sole discretion at any time. Please check this website for the latest risk parameters.

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