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How do I cancel or speed up my pending ETH/ERC-20 transaction on Onchain with replace-by-fee?
How do I cancel or speed up my pending ETH/ERC-20 transaction on Onchain with replace-by-fee?

Cancel/Speed up a pending ETH/ERC20 transaction on Onchain with a replace-by-fee

Updated over 4 months ago
  1. Tap on the pending transaction details [View Status on Explorer] to see the latest status on the explorer





Your transaction was successfully mined and is confirmed on the blockchain.

Please pull down to refresh your wallet to dismiss the pending transaction.


If you see a red (!) symbol, or a “BAD INSTRUCTION” or “OUT OF GAS” error message, it means that the transaction was not successfully sent

You cannot cancel or replace this transaction. Instead, send a new transaction. If you received an “Out of Gas” error, you should avoid choosing the “average” fee tier when the network is congested.


This is likely to be a smart contract user-error

Please double-check the smart contract actions you’re taking

Transaction Not Found

This transaction cannot be found

It’s possible that it did not go through. Please send a new transaction.


Your transaction was located in the transaction pool of the explorer you are using. It is currently pending (waiting to be mined)

There is a chance you can cancel or speed up this transaction

2. After confirming your pending transaction is indeed still “Pending” on the Explorer, you may try to cancel and speed up the transaction by using the replace-by-fee method -

  • Cancel: Sending a 0 ETH/ERC-20 transaction to your own address with a higher fee to prevent the previous stuck transaction from the process of waiting for confirmation

  • Speed Up Sending the same amount of ETH/ERC-20 transaction to the same recipient address with a higher fee while simultaneously not having the previous stuck transaction go through.

Essentially what replace-by-fee does is use the same nonce to broadcast a new replace transaction with a higher gas fee as miners always pick the transactions with higher fee (higher reward) to confirm first. Once the replace transaction (be it cancel or speed up) is confirmed on-chain, your previous pending transaction with the same nonce will be replaced and dropped.

We recommend cancelling the transaction over speeding up as it is not guaranteed your second transaction will actually replace your first one. Your first transaction could still be mined first, invalidating your second transaction. Choosing to replace a transaction with a new speed up transaction could lead to more confusion, or ETH spent unnecessarily in the form of gas.

3. Go to your earliest pending transaction and tap to view transaction details, choose your preferred replace option

  • Cancel request

  • Speed up

Please ensure you’re cancelling/speeding up the earliest pending transaction with the lowest account nonce, when you view the transaction on explorer, there should not be an error “There is a Pending txn with a lower account nonce.” at the “Estimated Confirmation Duration” row.

If that’s the case, you should look up your ETH address on Etherscan and check to see which ETH/ERC-20 transaction is still pending with a lower account nonce, you should always cancel/speed up a pending transaction with the lowest account nonce first as other transactions pending with a higher nonce would remain pending (even the replace transactions) until the earliest pending nonce is confirmed/replaced.

View here to learn more about what is nonce.

How to cancel my pending ETH/ERC-20 transaction?

  1. Go to your pending transaction details and tap [Cancel request] after ensuring the following -

  2. Review the network fee for the replace transaction of the cancel request and tap [Yes, let’s try it]

  3. Confirm the cancel request with passcode and 2FA (if enabled)

  4. You will see a new pending transaction for your cancel request, and your original pending transaction will be dismissed

  5. Wait for your replace transaction of the cancel request to be confirmed on-chain, once it’s completed, you should be able to send normally without any stuck/pending transactions

How to speed up my pending ETH/ERC-20 transaction?

  1. Go to your pending transaction details and tap [Speed up] after ensuring the following -

  2. Tap [Speed up] to choose a higher fee to replace your original pending transaction

  3. Choose a higher fee tier or you can tap [Advanced] to customize your gas price and gas limit (for advanced users)

  4. After choosing a higher fee tier than your original transaction, tap [Confirm to send]

  5. Confirm the speed up request with passcode and 2FA (if enabled)

  6. You will see a new pending transaction for your speed up request, and your original pending transaction will be dismissed

  7. Wait for your replace transaction of the speed up request to be confirmed on-chain

Why couldn’t I see the speed up or cancel request option for my pending transaction?

Please note the replace-by-fee function to cancel or speed up pending transaction is only supported for the following -

  • Only applicable for ETH/ERC-20 transactions

  • Send ETH/ERC-20 requests initiated from Onchain app

For smart contract transactions like swap, deposit/withdrawal via DeFi Earn or WalletConnect transactions, please note that currently there are no replace-by-fee options as there is an additional approval transaction to set the spending allowance of the corresponding smart contract for your swap/deposit transaction.

Refer to this FAQfor more details on how to clear the pending nonce by customizing the nonce value manually.

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