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How do I customize the nonce value, gas price and gas limit for my ETH/ERC20 transactions?
How do I customize the nonce value, gas price and gas limit for my ETH/ERC20 transactions?

Customizing the nonce value, gas price and gas limit for your ETH/ERC20 transactions

Updated over 3 months ago

The advanced transaction settings for send ETH/ERC20 tokens are available for advanced users to customize the nonce value, gas price and gas limit requires app version 1.8.2 or above.

Please note that changing the nonce value and gas price or limit settings will impact your transaction processing and network fees, please use this feature only if you are familiar with what is nonce, gas price and limit.

You will find the entry point to the advanced settings via

  1. Select to send ETH or ERC20 tokens

  2. Enter recipient address

  3. Enter send amount

  4. Tap on the gear icon on the upper right of the send confirmation screen

  5. Edit the nonce value or gas price or gas limit according to your preference

  6. Check the projected network fee based on your customized gas price or limit and tap [Save Changes] only if you’re confident with your changes

  7. Review the customized advanced settings on the confirmation screen and tap [Confirm to Send]

  8. Authorize the send transaction with a passcode (and 2FA code if enabled)

How can I use this advanced feature to clear a pending transaction by customizing the nonce value?

If you have a pending send ETH or ERC20 transaction, we suggest you use our easy version of replace-by-fee by tapping on a pending send ETH or ERC20 transaction on Home Screen and scroll down to see the 2 replace-by-fee options - [Speed Up] or [Cancel Request]. Read here for more details.

If in an unfortunate event, you have a smart contract transaction pending (e.g. swap, deposit or withdrawal via Earn) or a pending transaction initiated via another wallet app, please follow the instructions below to clear the pending transactions manually -

Step 1: After confirming your pending transaction is indeed still “Pending” on the Explorer, you may try to cancel and speed up the transaction manually by clearing the pending nonce

  • Cancel: Sending a 0 ETH/ERC-20 transaction to your own address with a higher fee to prevent the previous stuck transaction from the process of waiting for confirmation

  • Speed Up: Sending the same amount of ETH/ERC-20 transaction to the same recipient address with a higher fee while simultaneously not having the previous stuck transaction go through.

Essentially what replace-by-fee does is use the same nonce to broadcast a new replacement transaction with a higher gas fee as miners always pick the transactions with a higher fee (higher reward) to confirm first. Once the replace transaction (be it cancel or speed up) is confirmed on-chain, your previous pending transaction with the same nonce will be replaced and dropped by the network as only a unique nonce transaction per ETH address can exist.

We recommend cancelling the transaction over speeding up as it is not guaranteed your second transaction will actually replace your first one. Your first transaction could still be mined first, invalidating your second transaction. Choosing to replace a transaction with a new speed-up transaction could lead to more confusion, or ETH spent unnecessarily in the form of gas.

Step 2: Go to the Explorer and look for the earliest pending transaction nonce value

  1. Copy your ETH address and go to Etherscan Explorer: (preferably on a desktop so you don’t have to navigate in between Onchain and your mobile browser app)

  2. Paste your ETH address in the search bar and tap [Search]

  3. Scroll down to see the [Transactions] tab of your current transactions

  4. Look for your pending transaction(s) and start with the earliest ones at the bottom with (pending)

  5. Click on the earliest pending transaction to see the details (you must always clear your earliest pending transaction with the lowest account nonce before the other pending nonce could be clear)

  6. If the transaction is still showing Status: “Pending” and Estimated Confirmation Duration: has been pending >24hrs, click [Click to see More]

  7. Look for the “Nonce” value

All the transactions of an ethereum address have a nonce number that increments after each transaction.

Step 3A: Go to your Onchain app to cancel the pending nonce transaction manually

  1. Copy your ETH address

  2. Select to send ETH

  3. Paste your own ETH address

  4. Enter send an amount as 0

  5. Tap the upper-right gear icon

  6. Update the nonce value to your earliest pending nonce transaction value retrieved from Step 2

  7. Update the gas price based on the latest ETH network traffic: and enter the “High” gas price in Gwei

  8. Leave gas limit as it is

  9. Tap [Save Changes]

  10. Review the updated advanced settings and tap [Confirm to send] and authorize the transaction

  11. Your new transaction should be broadcasted with an initial status of “Duplicate Nonce” on Etherscan Explorer

  12. Once the new transaction is confirmed, your previous pending transaction with the same nonce but lower gas price should be cleared and dropped by the network

Step 3B: Go to your Onchain app to speed up the pending nonce transaction manually

  1. Copy your earliest pending transaction’s recipient address

  2. Select to send the same token

  3. Paste the recipient address

  4. Enter the same send amount

  5. Tap the upper right gear icon

  6. Update the nonce value to your earliest pending nonce transaction value retrieved from Step 2

  7. Update the gas price based on the latest ETH network traffic: and enter the “High” gas price in Gwei

  8. Leave gas limit as it is

  9. Tap [Save Changes]

  10. Review the updated advanced settings and tap [Confirm to send] and authorize the transaction

  11. Your new transaction should be broadcasted with an initial status of “Duplicate Nonce” on Etherscan Explorer

  12. Once the new transaction is confirmed, your previous pending transaction with the same nonce but lower gas price should be cleared and dropped by the network

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