What happened to my former wallets after the GEN 3.0 Crypto.com Exchange migration?
Your former Wallets (Spot, Margin and Derivatives*) will be migrated to replicate the 1:1 Account-Wallet framework:
All former Wallets (Spot, Margin and Derivatives*) will be mapped into its own respective Account or Sub-account.
In GEN 3.0 Exchange, each and every Account (incl. Sub-accounts) will only contain only one corresponding Wallet (“One Wallet”), rather than 3 separate Wallets (Spot, Margin and Derivatives*) per Account as experienced in previous Exchange versions. If you are eligible, you will be able to trade Spot, Margin and Derivatives* with the new One Wallet, without the need for three different wallets.
* Please note that Margin and Derivatives are only eligible to users who are not in the jurisdictions listed here and here.
How can I identify my former wallets in the GEN 3.0 Exchange?
If your former Master account or sub-accounts have more than one wallet, we will differentiate the newly replicated sub-accounts by numbers. You can also view the former wallet type of the newly replicated sub-accounts in the Account Management page when you are logged into your Master Account.
While you are on your Master Account, navigate to Account Management page:
User Centre > Account Management page
Refer to “Former Wallet” column to identify the former wallet type
A newly created sub-account in GEN 3.0 Exchange will not have a former wallet type in the column.
Additional Note:
For more information on sub-account management, refer to the FAQ on Sub-accounts here.