What is an Accredited Investor?
An Accredited Investor is defined by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) as an individual in Singapore who meets one of the following criteria and opts in to becoming an Accredited Investor:
Income in the past 12 months exceeding S$300,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency).
Net Financial Assets exceeding S$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency). Net Financial Assets include cash deposits in a bank account, publicly traded stocks and shares, certain bonds, Collective Investment Schemes (CIS), and life insurance policies.
Net Personal Assets exceeding S$2,000,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency). Net Personal Assets are non-financial and typically illiquid assets, such as a primary residence property (less outstanding mortgage and capped at S$1,000,000), savings in the Central Provident Fund (CPF), and cryptocurrencies (a 50% downward valuation adjustment to the market value of your crypto assets, as well as a total crypto asset valuation cap of S$200,000, will apply).
Under MAS guidelines for consumer protection (PS-G03), certain crypto services, such as staking, are restricted to retail customers but available to Accredited Investors.
What features are available to Accredited Investors?
Crypto.com users who are Accredited Investors can access on-chain Staking, Liquid Staking, and DeFi Staking in the Crypto.com App.
How do I get verified as an Accredited Investor?
From the Crypto.com App home screen, tap Earn > Staking. You can then proceed to get verified via Singpass or manually.
Verify via Singpass
Tap Singpass > Agree and continue with Singpass. This will take you to the Singpass app.
Sign in to your Singpass account, verify your information, and tap Confirm.
Go back to the Crypto.com App, verify that the information is accurate, and tap Confirm.
Note: To be verified via Singpass, you need to submit your latest Notice of Assessment (NOA) document showing that your income in the past 12 months exceeds S$300,000.
Manual verification
Selecting manual verification will take you to the in-app chat, where you can upload the relevant documents. Accepted document formats are PNG, JPEG, and JPG files of up to 20MB. If you encounter any issues, please contact us at chat.crypto.com.
You will be notified of your eligibility for Accredited Investor status via email once our team has reviewed the documents.
Here is a list of acceptable documents:
Income Assessment
The document(s) must show that your Income in the past 12 months exceeds S$300,000.
Document Type | Condition of Acceptance |
Latest income tax assessment | Issued within the past 12 months |
Payslip | For the past 12 months |
Financial Asset Assessment
The document(s) must show that your Net Financial Assets exceed S$1,000,000.
Document Type | Condition of Acceptance |
CDP securities portfolio statement | Issued within the past 3 months |
Cash and bank deposit Bank statement Fixed deposit certificate
| Issued within the past 3 months |
Brokerage firm statement | Issued within the past 3 months |
Life policy statement | Issued within the past 3 months |
Personal Asset Assessment
The document(s) must show that your Net Personal Assets exceed S$2,000,000.
Document Type | Condition of Acceptance |
CPF statement | Issued within 3 months |
Residence / Real estate title deed Property valuation document | Document must show that the property is owned by you
Please indicate if the property is your primary residence
Issued within 12 months |
Mortgage loan document | Document must show outstanding balance |
Unsecured loan document | Document must show outstanding balance |
Crypto exchange statement | Issued within the past 3 months |
Crypto.com account balance | As of the date of submission
Issued within the past 1 month |
Crypto Wallet snapshot (Non-Crypto.com account) | As of the date of submission
Issued within the past 1 month |
What are the effects of being treated as an Accredited Investor?
By choosing to be treated as an Accredited Investor when you use our Digital Payment Token services, you should be aware that you will receive fewer legal and regulatory safeguards under Singapore law than a retail customer would. This is because Accredited Investors are generally presumed to have sufficient knowledge or experience, either on their own or through professional advisors, to understand investment risks and protect their interests.
Accredited Investors are assumed to be better informed, and better able to access resources to protect their own interests, and therefore require less regulatory protection. Customers who agree to be treated as accredited investors are reminded to exercise utmost caution when dealing in Digital Payment Tokens.
Can I opt out of being an Accredited Investor?
Crypto.com users who are Accredited Investors may opt out of being treated as Accredited Investors at any time by contacting us at chat.crypto.com.