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How to make offers on collectibles

Support Specialist avatar
Written by Support Specialist
Updated over a week ago

What is the make offer function?

Interested buyers of a specific edition of a collectible are able to make offers to the edition’s owner in hopes of purchasing the NFT at their desired price.

You can make offers on collectibles that are listed at fixed prices in the marketplace, and on those owned by other users but not listed for sale.

How do I make an offer?

  1. Click on the collectible you’re interested in

  2. Go to “Select Edition” to see all editions of that collectible

  3. After selecting the edition you wish to purchase, click “Make an Offer”*

  4. Input the amount you would like to purchase the collectible for

  5. If your offer is accepted by the owner, you will be notified by email - in which case, you will have 48 hours to make the payment for your offer to complete the purchase. If you fail to pay within 48 hours, your offer expires.

Please note that you can make no more than 10 offers per day.

*You cannot make offers for collectibles that are currently listed for auction, or withdrawn from the NFT platform.

How do I view and respond to offers made to my collectibles?

You can view both the offers you made and received by going to “Account Activity”. Click “Offers” and choose between “Offers Made” and “Offers Received”. You can cancel offers you made before it’s accepted, and accept or reject offers you receive.

An email will also be sent to the buyer when an offer is accepted, and payment can be done through the private link provided in the email.

What happens when my offer is accepted?

Once your offer is accepted, you will be notified through email, where you will have a 48-hour window to pay by clicking on the link provided in the email. You can also go to the “Offers Made” tab within “Account Activity” and click “Pay Now” on the accepted offer. Note that an accepted offer expires if you do not pay within the 48-hour window.

You can pay in three ways, just like how you would purchase a drop or buy a collectible in the marketplace:

  1. Account balance

  2. Credit/debit card

  3. Pay

For a guide on making payments, you can refer to buying and selling

Once the payment is complete, the edition is yours!

Why is my offer canceled?

Offers are automatically canceled when the edition of the collectible is sold to another user or when the edition is withdrawn out of the NFT platform.

Why am I blocked from making an offer?

Users are blocked from making offers for 30 days if they accumulate 3 unpaid accepted offers.

How do I find out about offers made to my collectibles?

If you get at least one offer on a particular day, you will receive an email that day with a summary of the offers you received.

How come I can’t accept an offer for one of my collectibles?

To avoid duplicate payments from multiple buyers, owners of a collectible can only accept 1 offer for each edition they own at any given point in time. If you have already accepted an offer, you will have to wait for that accepted offer to be paid, or expire after 48 hours. Once expired, you can then accept another offer.

How do I avoid being flooded with low offers?

Collectible owners can set a minimum offer amount on each edition of their NFTs to prevent other users from making offers lower than the owner’s expected price range.

To set a minimum offer amount on an NFT you own, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the listing page of the edition you own

  2. Click on the “More options” menu (i.e. three dots) on the right-hand side of the listing page

  3. Click “Set minimum offer” and input the minimum offer amount you would consider selling your collectible for

  4. Click “Confirm”

Once confirmed, other users would only be able to make offers equal or greater than the minimum offer price you set.

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