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What is "Singpass"

Useful information on "Singpass" and "MyInfo"

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Written by Support Specialist
Updated over a week ago

What is "Singpass"?

Singpass is every Singapore resident’s trusted digital identity for easy and secure access to over 1,700 government and private sector services online and in person. Users can log in to digital services, prove their identity over counters, digitally sign documents, and more with the improved Singpass.

Singpass is managed by the Government Technology Agency (GovTech) and is one of eight strategic national projects that drive Singapore’s Smart Nation vision.

What is MyInfo?

MyInfo is a service that allows Singpass users to manage their personal data and pre-fill forms, with their consent, for digital services transactions, including data that is retrieved across participating government agencies. This means that users only need to provide personal data once to the digital service, instead of repeatedly providing data for every online transaction. Users can view their own personal data profile in their Singpass app under the Profile tab.

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