users can withdraw SGD from the app by selling crypto to their SGD Account and transferring SGD funds from this account to their linked bank account(s).
Users are required to have at least one successful SGD deposit to the App before we can transfer SGD funds back to the same bank account.
How to sell Crypto to SGD?
In the App home screen, tap on quick actions Sell and select the cryptocurrency you wish to convert to SGD
Select the “Cash” option
On the Sell Cryptocurrency window, you can enter the amount you wish to convert. (If you tap on the field where you enter the amount, the app will suggest the maximum amount you can sell.)
Review and confirm your sell transaction. This screen will display the final value of the conversion from crypto to SGD. After 15 seconds this quote will expire and you will need to refresh the screen.
How to withdraw SGD via FAST?
In the App home screen, tap Accounts > SGD Account > Withdraw.
Browse through the withdrawal process and then tap on “Got it”
Choose a withdrawal bank account. Note: At least one successful deposit is required before being able to withdraw SGD
Insert your withdrawal amount, review and confirm the withdrawal request
Wait for our internal review and we will notify you once the withdrawal is processed. Most withdrawals are processed within minutes. In some cases, such as your first withdrawal, a manual review of 1 to 3 days may be required
Note: If 2FA is not enabled, it will not be requested for withdrawals. If a customer has 2FA enabled, a 2FA process needs to be completed when the customer attempts to initiate a withdrawal.
2. Browse through the withdrawal process and then tap on “Got it” | 3. Choose a withdrawal bank account. Note: At least one successful deposit is required before being able to withdraw SGD |
How long does it take to see the withdrawal funds in my bank account?
All withdrawal requests are subject to an internal review which could take up to 1-3 business days. We will notify you via email and push notifications once the withdrawal is processed
Once the internal review is completed, we use the FAST network as the default channel for transferring funds back to your bank account. Withdrawal via FAST typically arrives in your bank account within a few seconds
What are the different withdrawal bank account statuses?
In the Choose Bank Account Screen for withdrawals, the statuses of the bank accounts can be the below:
Verified: Shown with a ‘>’ icon, this bank account is available for withdrawals
Pending: This bank account is under verification. If the deposit received from this bank account is successful, it will be verified for withdrawals
Action Required: We require proof of payment for the deposit from this bank account. If successfully processed, this bank account will be verified for withdrawals. Please refer to SGD Deposit via the FAST Network FAQ to submit proof of payment.
Rejected: This bank account is not available for withdrawals. It could not be verified as the deposit from this bank account was rejected
How to delete a withdrawal bank account?
To delete a withdrawal bank account:
In the Choose Bank Account Screen, swipe left on the bank account
Tap on “Delete” and confirm
Note: Only Verified and Rejected bank accounts can be deleted. If a bank account has a pending withdrawal request, it cannot be deleted.
Why is SGD withdrawal not available for me yet?
Users are required to have at least one successful SGD deposit to App before we can transfer SGD funds back to the same bank account. Please refer to SGD Deposit via the FAST Network FAQ to deposit SGD to your account.
What are the withdrawal limits and fees?
Daily limits are 24-hour rolling and monthly limits are 30-day rolling:
Channel | Daily Limit | Monthly Limit |
FAST | Minimum: $50 SGD
Maximum: $200,000 SGD
| $2,700,000 SGD |
There is a $1.99 SGD withdrawal fee per withdrawal.
Prime users have higher withdrawal limits of $1M SGD daily and $30M SGD monthly, and can enjoy zero fee withdrawals. Refer here to find out how you can be a Prime user.