What information do I need to provide if I want to import a network to wallet extension?
Network Name: You can choose any name for the network imported manually by yourself.
RPC URL: An RPC (remote procedure call) endpoint is like a node's address: it's a URL to which requests for blockchain data can be sent to.
Chain ID: This is a unique ID number, which is provided by the Blockchain network that you interact with.
Currency Symbol: You can pick an appropriate symbol from the ticker.
Token Decimal: Decimals refer to how divisible a token can be, from 0 (not at all divisible) to 18 (pretty much continuous) and even higher if required.
Explorer URL: This is an optional parameter. It is a URL that you can use to access Block Explorer. If you wish to get detailed information related to transactions, you may think about using this feature.
An example of network configuration
Network name: Polygon
RPC URL: https://polygon-rpc.com/
Chain ID: 137
Currency Symbol: MATIC
Token Decimal: 18
Explorer URL: https://polygonscan.com/