Data Import

Everything regarding importing your transaction data to Tax to get your tax calculation done

Valery avatar
Written by Valery
Updated over a week ago

General Information

How do I import data from exchanges/wallets?

Please refer to here for the list of exchanges/wallets currently supported by Tax.

  • App

If you are a App user, you could export your Wallet App transaction log into a CSV file, please refer to here for more details. You could then simply upload the CSV file to Tax and transactions would be imported into our tax tool.

  • Supported exchanges/wallets

For other supported exchanges/wallets, you’ll be able to import data through its API support or the native CSV file of the transaction history. We’ll give step-by-step instructions for each exchange/wallet on our landing page.

  • Supported blockchains Tax is currently supporting synchronization from multiple blockchains. You can simply input a public address/key of the blockchain and Tax will pull out the data for you.

  • Unsupported exchanges/wallets

If you’re not using any of the aforementioned services, you’re still welcome to import data by using our Generic CSV Template. You can find the tutorial in the following.

What is a Generic CSV Template and how do I use it?

Generic CSV Template is our generic CSV format that is compatible with any wallets/exchanges. If you are using one of the wallets/exchanges that are not supported by us, you’re welcome to convert your transaction data into our CSV format and upload the transactions later to your account.

Please follow the instructions below to construct your Generic CSV Template. You can download a sample CSV here.


  • The first row (i.e. header) must exactly match the template

  • The required date format is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS (e.g. 06/20/2020 20:57:35)

  • No negative numbers are allowed

  • Currency symbols must be from the list of CoinGecko

1. Buying/selling/trading cryptocurrency

  • Type should be either:

    • Buy - pay fiat currencies for crypto; or

    • Sell - sell crypto for fiat currency; or

    • Trade - exchange one crypto for another

  • Required fields:

    • Received Currency

    • Received Amount

    • Sent Currency

    • Sent Amount

  • Optional fields (leave the fields blank if none):

    • Fee currency, Fee Amount (if there is any associated transaction fee)

    • Received Net worth, Sent Net Worth, Fee Net Worth (to represent corresponding value in base currency)

  • Examples:

    • Example 1 (Buy): You bought 5 BTC for 5000 CAD, and the associated fee is 0.01 BTC.

    • Example 2 (Sell): You sold 3 ETH for 3000 CAD, and the associated fee is 0.01 ETH.

    • Example 3 (Buy and not in base currency): Your base currency is CAD and you bought 5 BTC for HKD 300,000 with an associated fee of 0.01 BTC. You would like to adjust the value (i.e. set net worth) based on your base currency (CAD).

    • Example 4 (Trade): You trade 5 BTC for 10 ETH, and the associated fee is CAD 5.

    • Please find the example in the screenshot below. If the field is blank, please do not input the value.

2. Sending cryptocurrency to others

  • Type should be either:

    • Payment - send crypto for goods or services;

    • Gift - send crypto as a gift; or

    • Donation - send crypto to the charities

  • Required fields:

    • Sent Currency

    • Sent Amount

  • Restricted fields:

    • Received Currency and Received Amount must be empty

  • Optional fields (leave the fields blank if none):

    • Fee currency, Fee Amount (if there is any associated transaction fee)

    • Sent Net Worth, Fee Net Worth (to represent corresponding value in base currency)

  • Example:

    • You sent 10 ETH as a gift, and the associated fee is 0.01 ETH.

    • Please find the example in the screenshot below. If the field is blank, please do not input value.

3. Receiving cryptocurrency from others

  • Type should be either:

    • Gift - receive crypto from others as a gift;

    • Fork - receive crypto after blockchain split;

    • Airdrop - receive crypto due to airdrop;

    • Mining - receive crypto from mining;

    • Payment - get crypto as salary;

    • Reward - receive crypto as rewards (e.g. staking/earn rewards, referral bonus, etc.); or

    • Rebate - receive crypto due to staking/card rebate

  • Required fields:

    • Received Currency

    • Received Amount

  • Restricted fields:

    • Sent Currency and Sent Amount must be empty

  • Optional fields (leave the fields blank if none):

    • Received Net worth (to represent corresponding value in base currency)

  • Example:

    • You received a mining income of 5 ETH, and no fees should be incurred.

    • Please find the example in the screenshot below. If the field is blank, please do not input the value.

4. Transferring cryptocurrency between your own accounts

  • Type should be:

    • Transfer

  • Required fields:

    • Received Currency (i.e. should match Sent Currency)

    • Received Amount (i.e. should match Sent Amount)

    • Sent Currency

    • Sent Amount

  • Optional fields (leave the fields blank if none):

    • Fee currency, Fee Amount (if there is any associated transaction fee)

    • Fee Net Worth (to represent corresponding value in base currency)

  • Example:

    • You transferred 5 BTC from one wallet to another, and the associated fee is 0.01 BTC.

    • Please find the example in the screenshot below. If the field is blank, please do not input the value.

5. Swapping/converting a cryptocurrency to another

  • Type should be:

    • Swap

  • Required fields:

    • Received Currency

    • Received Amount

    • Sent Currency

    • Sent Amount

  • Optional fields (leave the fields blank if none):

    • Fee currency, Fee Amount (if there is any associated transaction fee)

    • Received Net Worth, Fee Net Worth (to represent corresponding value in base currency)

  • Example:

    • You swapped 5 MCO for 20 CRO due to token migration.

    • Please find the example in the screenshot below. If the field is blank, please do not input the value.

6. Cost/fee not linked to a completed transaction (e.g. gas fee)

  • Type should be:

    • Cost

  • Required fields:

    • Sent Currency

    • Sent Amount

  • Restricted fields:

    • Received Currency and Received Amount must be empty

    • Fee currency and Fee Amount must be empty

  • Optional fields (leave the fields blank if none):

    • Sent Net Worth (to represent corresponding value in base currency)

  • Example:

    • You paid a gas fee of 0.1 ETH in a failed blockchain transaction.

    • Please find the example in the screenshot below. If the field is blank, please do not input the value.


  • If you import the same wallet/exchange with transactions that are already in your account, it will result in duplicate transactions.

  • If there is an error in the CSV, an "invalid CSV file" warning message will pop up and no transactions will be imported. You can refer to here on how to fix it.

  • If you input numbers in Received Net Worth, Sent Net Worth, and Fee Net Worth, it will override the corresponding value(s) of the transaction in the base currency generated by our tax tool. You may refer to this article on the foreign exchange rate we used.

How do I solve the error messages on the CSV import summary?

There are many types of transactions in different exchanges/platforms, and Tax may not be able to identify all of them. So each time you import a CSV file, we summarize the transactions that we failed to import into 3 categories: Erroneous transactions, Unsupported transactions, and Skipped transactions.

  • Erroneous transactions Tax supports these transactions, but it failed to import due to some missing/incorrect fields. Please read our error messages and make adjustments accordingly. You can fix these transactions on your CSV and reupload them once completed.

  • Unsupported transactions Tax doesn’t support these transactions. They are likely transactions that are 1) specific to your exchanges/wallets, and 2) from special events which are not typically categorized. For these transactions, we rely on your sole discretion to determine their nature and recategorize them with the transaction types that are supported by Tax. You can fix these transactions on your CSV and reupload them once completed.

  • Skipped transactions

    These are transactions like depositing/withdrawing fiat currency or staking tokens to earn yield/interest. They should not be imported to Tax as these events have no tax implications at all. However, there could be chances we’re making a mistake, and again your thorough review is highly recommended to make sure we’re not missing anything critical. If you realize we’ve made a mistake, please add the transaction manually and report the error to us immediately.

  • Imported transactions exceeding account limit

    Each account can only import 40,000 transactions per year. You will see an error message if you exceed the limit. To import more transactions, please delete obsolete transactions.

  • Invalid CSV file

    When you import your CSV files, you may come up with the "invalid CSV file" warning message. To fix this issue, you should first check if the file is in CSV format. Please keep in mind that Tax only supports importing CSV files. After editing the file, the file should be saved in CSV format.

If you still fail to import the CSV files, their format is probably not recognized by Tax. You may use our Generic CSV Template and follow the instructions in this article. If the invalid CSV files are exported from our supported exchange/wallet, please contact us at [email protected] and we will further investigate the issue.

  • What should I do with delisted crypto/missing token?

These are the transactions with tokens not listed on CoinGecko, which are not recognized by Tax when importing your CSV file. To ensure a complete transaction history, you can now add custom tokens for these transactions by clicking + Custom Token on the CSV import summary. It will then refer you to the Settings page for a custom token. You may refer to this article on how to add a custom token.

How do I add/edit my API Key and Secret to an existing exchange?

For the exchanges that support API sync, you have the option to add or edit the API to an existing account that has been created on Tax.

Please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to the Wallets & Exchanges page

Step 2: Select the exchange account you’d like to add/edit your API info

Step 3: Click Action and choose Manage API

Step 4: Input the API key and API Secret, then click Save

Step 5: Now your Sync button should be white, which means you’ve enabled the function of API sync. Click the Sync button to import your transactions.

How do I add/edit my public address/key to an existing blockchain?

This is similar to adding/editing the API key and secret. For blockchains that support synchronization, you have the option to add or edit the public address/key to an existing account that has been created on Tax.

Please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to the Wallets & Exchanges page

Step 2: Select the blockchain account you’d like to add/edit your info

Step 3: Click Action and choose Manage Public Address/Key

Step 4: Input the Public Address or Key, then click Save

Step 5: Now your Sync button should be white, which means you’ve enabled the function of synchronization. Click the Sync button to import your transactions.

Where can I enable and disable the synchronization?

This function is only available when the current account supports sync with API/blockchain, and you have already imported the API or the public address/key of the blockchain.

Step 1: Go to the Wallets & Exchanges page

Step 2: Select the exchange/blockchain account you’d like to disable/enable the sync

Step 3: Click Action and choose Enable/Disable Sync

Step 4: If you choose Enable Sync, make sure you click Sync to kick off your sync process.

Note: If you disable the synchronization, it only stops the sync process going forward. The imported transactions will still remain in Tax.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I import liquidity/NFT transactions via Generic CSV Template?

Liquidity transactions, which take place within DeFi protocols, and NFT transactions (ERC 721 and ERC 1155) are currently supported by synchronization of blockchain only. You can simply import your liquidity/NFT transactions by inputting a public address/key of the ETH blockchain.

What if the exchanges/wallets I’m using are not supported?

Technically, supports any exchange as long as you import data through our Generic CSV Template. It supports all transaction types that are required for your tax calculation. If you’re not using any supported exchanges/wallets, you’re still welcome to import your transactions using the Generic CSV Template. The tutorial can be found in this article.

What if some data are imported incorrectly?

Due to the nature and complexity of crypto transactions, there might be errors after importing your data. We therefore highly recommend that you look through all transactions to make sure they match your record. If you find a mismatch, you can click the 3 dots menu on the right-hand side of each transaction, and click Edit to update the transaction detail.

Note that your wallets/exchanges may not be able to distinguish a Transfer transaction (i.e. moving crypto within your own accounts) from Send/Receive transactions (i.e. moving crypto to/from others’ accounts). Since the tax treatment is very different between the two, we strongly recommend that you review your Send/Receive transactions before submitting the result to your tax authority. You may refer to this article on how to fix a Transfer transaction.

If you found that all data is input correctly but the error still persists, please contact us via the chat button at the bottom right corner, or report the bug at [email protected], and we’ll make sure to investigate the issue as soon as possible.

Why do I fail to sync my wallets with API keys?

If you failed to sync your wallets with the API keys, you are probably inputting the wrong API keys or the API credentials are expired. You may also check if there is any IP restriction on the API. You'll have to allow all IP addresses on Tax to sync with the API keys.

Once you know the API issue, you may refer to this article to update/edit your API keys and resync your wallets.

How do I Terminate an API sync in progress?

While API sync of your wallet/exchange is in progress, simply press “Terminate Sync” on your Wallets & Exchanges page to terminate the in-progress sync. You may do this if the API sync takes more time than usual.

Why are my wallet balances on Tax different from the balance on my wallet?

Your wallet balances are shown on the Wallets & Exchanges page of Tax. You may find it different from what you have in your wallets. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • Missing transactions

If there is a significant difference between the balances, some transactions are probably not imported in Tax. It is common to have a missing purchase history/token in the account. We, therefore, suggest you spot the warning messages on the Transactions page and you can filter the missing transactions using the Warnings filter. Please refer to this article on how to fix these missing transactions.

  • Unsupported/skipped transactions

You may also find some transactions not being shown on the Transactions page. These transactions are probably not supported by Tax or they have no tax implications (e.g. purely fiat transactions). In particular, Tax may not support transactions that are specific to your exchanges/wallets and not typically categorized in our tax tool. You may refer to this article on how to fix these unsupported transactions.

  • Rounding precision

If you see minimal differences like 0.01, this is due to the rounding precision and you may ignore the differences. The figures shown on Tax are all rounded to 2 decimal places.

How do I import new transactions to an existing wallet/exchange?

If you want to import new transactions to an existing wallet/exchange via the native CSV file or the Generic CSV Template, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to the Wallets & Exchanges page

Step 2: Select the wallet or exchange you’d like to add/edit your info

Step 3: Click Action and choose Import from File

Step 4: Choose either the native CSV or Generic CSV template

Step 5: Upload the file and Click Upload

Kindly note that you should not add the same wallet/exchange with transactions that have already been imported in your account. Otherwise, it may result in duplicate transactions.

Why do I fail to import my Supercharger transactions (for Exchange/App users)?

If you are a Exchange or App user, you may have some Supercharger transactions in your wallet. Since these Supercharger transactions may not have any direct tax impact, Tax currently skips this kind of transaction. Therefore, you will not be able to import your transactions of staking rewards from Supercharger into our tax tool. You may refer to this article for more information on Supercharger transactions.

Disclaimer: You acknowledge and agree that information provided by to you in your use of the Tax Services is for your reference only and should not be considered a substitute for legal advice, tax advice, audit advice, accounting advice, or brokerage advice under the guidance of a licensed professional. Further, the information provided herein should not be taken as financial planning or investment solicitation. You acknowledge and agree that no fiduciary relationship has been created between you and You hereby understand and acknowledge that by using Tax Services, you are not being represented by a legal advisor, certified financial planner, tax professional, broker, other regulated advisor, or similar capacity.

There may be instances where you will be able to manually input information about your transactions. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any and all information entered and is not responsible for any information inputted incorrectly. makes no warranties as to the reliability or accuracy, completeness, or quality of any information you obtain through the Services.

This FAQ page is intended to be read in conjunction with the Tax Terms of Services.

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